Saturday 4 August 2012

BULLY Scholarship Edition (Video Game)

Most played games. I played Bully on Wii, on Wikipedia, it is said that there are more missions, characters and what so ever than on PlayStation 2. Since I don't have PlayStation 2, I didn't notice about it, but I have one, because PlayStation 2 have more games than any other PlayStation or Xbox or Wii, LOL. What I like about Bully is because the background is at school, and most of the students are rebel type. Jimmy (the main protagonist) can steal bikes or even a scooter (this is funny). The minus is that this game is really short! The plot is really short, I need more. And, the final was too easy, Gary (the main antagonist) is really weak at fighting, gaahhh.
I wish Rockstar Games will make another Bully 2 or something. Because this game is really cool, and I love to listen to the music theme. My favorite character is Johnny Vincent from the Greasers, he is the leader. There are many cliques: Greasers, Preppies, Jocks, Bullies, NerdsTownies (or more like the Dropouts) and the last is Non-Clique. Oh yea, this game is also have controversy among parents. But parents are fine with it, haha.

Some more pictures:

Yes, he's Johnny Vincent, the one who's in the front.

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